Monday, January 9, 2012

Who I am and what this is

My name is Ruthie. I am 20 years old. I write. I draw. I have a job. I am getting married in April to the man I love very much. I am bisexual. I am a nerd and a gamer.

This blog is nothing in particular. It will be where I store my random thoughts. The name Thought Spirals comes from a pecular habit I have. Sometimes my mind gets stuck on things, and it can lead towards a downward spiral of thoughts. This is not meant to be one of those downward spirals. However, as that thought patern is part of me, and, honestly sounded a little bit cool, I decided to use it as a blog title.

So, what will be posted here? To be honest, I don't know. There will be some gaming stories, there will be some reviews, there might be rants, there might be compliments. There might be links to youtube videos. There might be repetitive phrasing. In other words, I don't really know. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Have a great day,