Friday, August 3, 2012

Sexual Harassment & Flirting

When I was in high school, I was sexually harassed.

The first day of school, I had to move seats in my free period because a guy kept trying to get me to go out with him despite me saying know. He said things like "I have a car." People came up to me and said, with a laugh, "my friend" (who I had never met before) "likes you." A guy in my English class called me his "Passionate Lover" despite the fact that I had no interest in him and asked him to stop repeatedly. Another guy in my English class tried to pretend (jokingly) that he was my boyfriend. I moved seats then too.
They made me feel like there must be something wrong with me. That clearly if wanting to date me is such a joke, I must not be someone anyone would want to date. They made me uncomfortable with sexuality and my own body. I felt a little sick after these things happened

In college I was flirted with.

The man I would later marry shared my interests, and talked to me about things we both liked, like puns and British humor. He said I was beautiful. He joked with me, and not about me, and treated me like a person. He waited at the top of the wheelchair ramp in the library while I rolled my over-sized back pack up it, because it wouldn't go up the stairs. He found me attractive, and yet treated me with respect.
He made me feel like I was wanted. Like I was special. Like I was beautiful.

This is the difference.

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